23 CIMPA Schools have been reported following the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19).
Here is the list of schools reported, we will update it if other announcements are announced. Some have already set new dates.
- Kenitra, Morocco: Analyse numérique & optimisation, contrôle et problèmes inverses. New dates: November 9-18, 2020
- Saida, Algeria: Groupoïdes et algébroïdes de Lie. New dates: March 14-25, 2021
- Tunis, Tunisia: Structure and Geometry in Matrix Analysis and Computations
- Tunis, Tunisia: Structures ordonnées et leurs applications en finance
- Khansar, Iran: Khansar School on Graph Algebras, Current Trends and Perspectives. New dates: July 3-14, 2021
- Zanjan, Iran: Spectra in Riemannian and Symplectic Geometry. New dates: July 3-14, 2021
- Yerevan, Armenia: Finite Point Configurations and Discrete Integrable Systems. New dates: 12-23 July, 2021
- Guanajuato, Mexico: Hodge Theory and p-adic Hodge Theory. New dates: August 2-11, 2021
- Bogotá, Colombia: Geometric Tools in Combinatorics. New dates: June 15-26, 2021
- Rabat, Morocco: Optimal Control and its Applications in Economics, Engineering and the Environment. New dates: from June 6 to July 3, 2021
- Santiago de Cuba, Cuba: Mathematical Models Applied to Molecular Dynamics and Oncology. New dates: Mai 3-14, 2021
- Brazzaville, Congo (Brazzaville): École de géométrie. Posponed in 2022
- Stellenbosch, South Africa: Enumerative and Analytic Combinatorics. New dates: December 9-18, 2021
- Nador, Morocco: Équations aux dérivées partielles non-linéaires, théorie spectrale et applications. New dates: June 1-10, 2021
- Kigali, Rwanda: Mathematics of Climate Science. New dates: from June 28, 2021 to July 9, 2021
- Ziguinchor, Senegal: Quelques aspects réels et effectifs de la géométrie algébrique. New dates: July 4-16, 2021
- Sao Carlos, Brazil: Singularities and Applications. New dates: July 12-23, 2021
- Lahore, Pakistan: CIMPA School on Recent Advances in Dynamical Systems. New dates: November 8-19, 2021
- San Salvador, El Salvador: Algebraic Methods in Topology. New dates: December 7-18, 2020
- Antananarivo, Madagascar: Non-associative Algebras and their Applications. New dates: from August 30 to September 11, 2021
- Mexico, Mexico: p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications. Postponed in 2022
- Natal, Brazil: Logic@Natal: School in Mathematical Logic and Applications. New dates: December 8-17, 2021
- Vladivostok, Russia: Packing, Tiling and Optimizing. New dates: May 4-14, 2021
This article and each school page will be updated as the information becomes available, so be sure to visit them regularly.