Every year, the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris (France) features thematic programs attended by many researchers (professors and students) from France and abroad. These programs provide the ideal environment, through conferences, workshops and courses, to interchange ideas and technics on a specific research area in mathematics or theoretical physics. IHP and CIMPA support the participation of young mathematicians (less or equal to 36 years old or with the highest academic diploma during the last 5 years) affiliated in a developing country (IMU list).
- "Illustration as a Mathematical Research Technique" from January 5 to April 3, 2026. Call open until June 15, 2025.
- "Higher Rank Geometric Structures" from April 14 to July 11, 2025. Call for applications is closed.
- "Representation Theory and Noncommutative Geometry" from January 6 to April 4, 2025. Call for applications is closed.
- "Post-Quantum Algebraic Cryptography" from September 9 to December 13, 2024. Call for applications is closed.
- "Group Actions and Rigidity: Around the Zimmer Program" from April 5 to July 15, 2024. Call for applications is closed.
- "Quantum many-body systems out-of-equilibrium" from January 8 to March 22, 2024. Call for applications is closed.