The aim of this CIMPA school will be to familiarise graduate students and young researchers with the field of enumerative and analytic combinatorics, and to show its many connections to other areas, especially computer science. The courses range from introductory to more advanced levels. The introductory courses will lay the groundwork by discussing the basic concepts (such as generating functions and q-series) and techniques (various enumeration techniques and analytic methods such as singularity analysis). The more advanced courses will build on these and discuss various more specialised topics, related to random graphs and trees, automata and the analysis of algorithms. These topics are connected in various ways, not only methodologically.
Langue officielle de l'école: anglais
Coordinateurs administratifs et scientifiques
Programme scientifique
Cours 1: "Enumeration Methods", Dimbinaina RALAIVAOSAONA (Stellenbosch University, Afrique du sud)
Cours 2: "Introduction to Analytic Combinatorics", Frédérique BASSINO (Université Paris 13, France)
Cours 3: "Partitions and q-Series", Darlison NYIRENDA (University of the Witwatersrand, Afrique du sud)
Cours 4: "Automata and Transducers", Clemens HEUBERGER (Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, Autriche)
Cours 5: "Split Trees and Galton Watson Trees: Two Important Classes of Random Trees", Cecilia HOLMGREN (Uppsala University, Suède)
Cours 6: "Advanced Algorithms", Vonjy RASENDRAHASINA (ENS Antananarivo, Madagascar)
Cours 7: "Advanced Algorithms", Amalia DUCH-BROWN (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Espagne)
Site internet de l'école
Comment participer
Pour s'inscrire et candidater à un financement CIMPA, suivre les instructions données ici.
Date limite d'inscription et de candidature : 3 octobre 2021