Group actions on algebraic varieties






This school is an introduction to subjects of current interest in algebraic geometry, with emphasis on group actions on algebraic varieties. The goal is to train Latin American students and young researchers on the different techniques in transformation groups (algebraic, symplectic, topological, etc.) and to highlight the many interactions between these viewpoints. There will be 5 courses, all of them delivered by well recognized specialists from France, USA and Mexico. Three of these courses will provide basic introductions to algebraic group actions, spherical varieties (which are generalizations of toric varieties and homogeneous spaces), and Mukai’s vector bundle method (for constructing certain K3 surfaces and Fano varieties as linear sections of homogeneous spaces). They will be followed by two courses on interactions between group actions, complex dynamical systems, and arithmetic geometry. Additionally, there will be several research talks given by the members of the Scientific Committee, researchers from PUCP, and invited researchers from South America, USA and Europe.

Coordinateurs administratifs et scientifiques

Richard Gonzales (Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru,
, )
Clementa Alonso (Universidad de Alicante,
, )

Programme scientifique

Cours 1: "Actions of linear algebraic groups", Michel Brion (Institut Fourier, France)

Cours 2: "Automorphism groups of K3 surfaces and hyperkähler manifolds", Olivier Debarre (ENS, France)

Cours 3: "Dynamical Moduli Spaces and abelian varieties", Laura DeMarco (Northwestern University, USA)

Cours 4: "Introduction to spherical varieties", Nicolas Perrin (Université de Versailles, France)

Cours 5: "Equivariant Bordism", Bernardo Uribe (Universidad del Norte, Colombie)

Site internet de l'école

Comment participer

Pour s'inscrire et candidater à un financement CIMPA, suivre les instructions données ici.

Date limite d'inscription et de candidature : 28 mai 2017.