Combinatorial and Computational Algebraic Geometry






This research school will introduce the participants to some basics of algebraic geometry with an emphasis on computational aspects, such as Groebner bases and combinatorial aspects, such as toric varieties and tropical geometry. We will also learn how to use the freely available software Macaulay2 for studying algebraic varieties. The lecturers for this school are all active in these areas and collectively have deep experience both as researchers and educators through the supervision of students ; Ph.D. and postdoctoral, as well as the organization of and lecturing in short courses.

Coordinateurs administratifs et scientifiques

Praise Adeyemo (University of Ibadan,
, )
Erwan Brugallé (École polytechnique,
, )

Programme scientifique

Cours 1: "Ideals and Varieties", H. Praise Adeyemo (University Ibadan, Nigeria)

Cours 2: "Introduction to enumerative geometry of plane curves", Erwan Brugallé (École polytechnique, France)

Cours 3: "Gröbner Bases", Damian Maingi (University Nairobi, Kenya)

Cours 4: "Positive polynomials and sums of squares", Victoria Powers (Emory University, USA)

Cours 5: "Applications of tropical geometry to discrete and classical algebraic geometries", Kristin Shaw (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)

Cours 6: "Toric Ideals and Combinatorics", Frank Sottile (Texas A&M University, USA)

Cours 7: "Eigenvectors of Tensors", Bernd Sturmfels (University of California Berkeley, USA)

Site internet de l'école

Comment participer

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Date limite d'inscription et de candidature : 5 février 2017.