A call for application for the next Director of CIMPA (International Centre of Pure and Applied Mathematics) is now open. The new Director will start his/her term of office in September 2020. The candidate should be a well recognized mathematician with a commitment to promoting research in mathematics in the developing world and good practice of administrative duties. The term is for four years, renewable once.
The directorship is supported by a Full Professor position, free of teaching duties, from the University Nice Sophia Antipolis. As a consequence, depending on his/her administrative situation, the successful candidate may be an Invited Professor or may benefit from a French ‘‘mise à disposition’’. The Director's workplace is in Nice where CIMPA’s offices and staff are located. During his/her term, the Director will be a member of the Research Unit in mathematics ‘‘Laboratoire Jean Alexandre Dieudonné’’. The Director’s responsibilities encompass numerous trips worldwide for CIMPA scientific activities. Request for additional information can be sent at president@cimpa.info
Applications comprising a CV and a motivation letter should be sent by electronic mail before 7 June 2019 to:
Prof. Barry Green, President of the Administrative Council of CIMPA, cimpa@unice.fr
Letters of appreciation may be sent directly to the same address.