The area of the school will be mathematical analysis, modeling, data analysis, scientific computing to address real problems in medicine and health sciences. Our goal is to prepare students and researchers for the concrete problems arising from mathematical modeling in medicine, which may arise particularly in South-East Asia.
To this end, we will present theoretical and numerical courses on pharmacology, big data in health, waterborne diseases, coagulation, blood circulation, medical imaging, and. Practical sessions (using Freefem++, and python), as well as mini-projects, will also be proposed.
Le programme scientifique est disponible sur le site local de l'Ecole : https://sites.google.com/view/cimpa-silpakorn2024/
Langue officielle de l'école : anglais
Coordinateurs administratifs et scientifiques
Programme scientifique
Cours 1: "introductory course - Pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) analysis are essential for the development of new drugs. This course will give you a better understanding of how to design a PK/PD study, how to analyze the pharmacological data and how to interpret the data.", Annabelle BALLESTA (Curie Institute, France)
Cours 2: "advanced course - Big data are more and more present in medicine. This course will give the keys to a modern study of big data sets", Mark ASCH (University of Picardie, France)
Cours 3: "advanced course - Waterborne diseases, natural and human factors, multiple transmission pathways and interventions, heterogeneity. Epidemic, reaction-diffusion-advection, population balance and water wave models. ", Joaquim CORREIA (University of Evora, Portugal)
Cours 4: "advanced course - Abstract of the course: Blood coagulation is one the most important biological processes. In this course, we will present the derivation and the mathematical properties of the Smoluchowski equation, the Becker-Döring equations, and finally how to model the blood coagulation.", Erwan HINGANT (University of Picardie, France)
Cours 5: "programming sessions - This section covers the following topics: • Introduction to Deformable Image Registration • Introduction to Deep Learning Image Processing Techniques • Variational and PDEs Based Methods for Deformable Image Registration • Deep Learning in Deformable Image Registration • Computer Implementation for Deep Deformable Registration ", Noppadol CHUMCHOB (Silpakorn university, Thailand)
Cours 6: "programming sessions - The aim of this lecture is to present numerical method as well its implementation for Newtionian and non-Newtonian flows, with particular attention to blood flow. The open software Freefem++ will be used.", Marilia PIRES (University of Evora, Portugal)
Site internet de l'école
Comment participer
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Date limite d'inscription : février 15, 2024