In this school we will focus on two branches of blockchain technology. First, the development of blockchain technology including subjects such as the tokening ofactivities, fintech, proptech, insurtech, e-health, eGovernment, supply chain and social services, among other things.
We will also be dealing with the security issues behind this technology, more specifically the mathematical knowledge and cryptography in modular arithmetic as well as elliptic curve cryptography. We will give a scratch lecture in the mathematics needed and then focus on the cryptographical aspects related with blockchain.
Before the school, we will give preliminary lectures (essentially
a popularization part, a cryptography part, an algorithmic and a distributed computing part). The pre-school will take place in Antsiranana at IST-D (on the same site of the school) a priori for the 20 local participants but we will set up a retransmission so that those who wish it can follow virtually these courses.
During the CIMPA school, we will form working groups among the participants that is during the school the participants will be divided into working groups
of 3, 4 or 5 people.
Le programme scientifique est disponible sur le site local de l'Ecole : https://sites.google.com/view/cimpa-antsiranana
Langue officielle de l'école : anglais
Coordinateurs administratifs et scientifiques
Programme scientifique
Site internet de l'école
Comment participer
Pour s'inscrire et postuler à un financement CIMPA, suivre les instructions données ici : https://www.cimpa.info/en/node/40
Date limite d'inscription : mai 1, 2024