Non-Associative Algebras and Related Topics






The school aims to introduce graduate students and young researchers to the modern theory of non-associative algebras and their applications, with a focus on Lie algebras, Leibniz algebras, incidence algebras, genetic algebras and their deformations. The courses will be focused on some key topics in description of algebraic systems with certain properties, algebraic systems over positive characteristic, deformations of algebraic systems, classifications of algebraic systems. The participants will be provided with an introduction to the basic material and with the necessary background, before proceeding with the more advanced topics. The courses will survey a range of applications including classical methods of research in certain areas and applications in other modern areas, such as geometry, physics, biology and some other. Besides lectures, we are also planning sessions devoted to solving exercises and discussing open problems.

Langue officielle de l'école : anglais

Coordinateurs administratifs et scientifiques

Renato Fehlberg Júnior (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo,
, )
Friedrich Wagemann (Université de Nantes,
, )

Programme scientifique

Cours 1: "Introduction to Leibniz Algebras", Ana Agore (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgique)

Cours 2: "An Exceptional Lie Algebra: $G_2$", Cristina Drapper (University of Málaga, Espagne)

Cours 3: "Aspects of Octonion Polynomials", Adam Chapman (The Academic College of Tel-Aviv, Israel)

Cours 4: "Lie Algebras in Characteristic 2", Pasha Zusmanovich (University of Ostrava, République tchèque)

Cours 5: "Incidence Algebras", Mykola Khrypchenko (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brésil)

Cours 6: "Non-Associative Algebras and their Numerical Invariants", Alexander Guterman (Moscow State University, Russie)

Cours 7: "Genetic Algebras", Farrukh Mukhamedov (United Arab Emirates University, Émirats arabes unis)

Cours 8: "Nonassociative Algebras and their Applications", Susanne Pumpluen (University of Nottingham, GB)

Cours 9: "Cohomologies and Deformations of Associative and Non-Associative Algebras", Yury Volkov (Saint Petersburg State University, Russie)

Site internet de l'école

Comment participer

Pour s'inscrire et candidater à un financement CIMPA, suivre les instructions données ici.

Date limite d'inscription et de candidature : 1er septembre 2023

Date limite d'inscription : septembre 1, 2023