The school will focus on interplay between dynamics and algebra, introducing participants to key subjects in the study of these interactions: Groupoid convolution algebras and tensor categories. The techniques developed will be applied to Leavitt path algebras, which encode combinatorics and dynamics of graphs.
Langue officielle de l'école : anglais
Coordinateurs administratifs et scientifiques
Programme scientifique
Cours 1: "Introduction to Group Representations", Luz Adriana Mejía Castaño (Universidad del Norte, Colombie)
Cours 2: "The Center and the Lie Structure of a Leavitt Path Algebra", Mercedes Siles Molina (Universidad de Málaga, Espagne)
Cours 3: "Rings Associated to Etale Groupoids", Benjamin Steinberg (Carleton University, Canada)
Cours 4: "Finite Tensor Categories", Martin Mombelli (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentine)
Cours 5: "Grothendieck Rings and its Relation with Frobenius-Perron Dimension", Virgínia Silva Rodrigues (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brésil)
Cours 6: "Interactions between Group Schemes and the Theory of Leavitt Path Algebra", Cándido Martín González (Universidad de Málaga, Espagne)
Site internet de l'école
Comment participer
Pour s'inscrire et candidater à un financement CIMPA, suivre les instructions données ici.
Date limite d'inscription et de candidature : 10 novembre 2021