The University of Dhaka was established in 1921. Academic activities started on 1 July 1921, with three faculties: Arts, Science, and Law and 12 Departments including Mathematics. Historically, this University was in a leading position to establish "Bangla" as mother language in 1952 and played a vital role in 1971 for the independence of Bangladesh.
Dhaka University is the leading University of Bangladesh. This year University is celebrating its 100 years of establishment. Applied Mathematics department has started journey in 2014. Now both the Departments have about 50 (35+15) faculty members and near about 1100 (750+350) students. Research area focused on, mainly, Algebra, Differential Geometry, Dynamical Systems, Financial Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics, Mathematical Biology, Numerical Analysis, Operation Research at M.Sc level. Every year around 20-25 students take dissertation as thesis work on different research area, including a good number of students in mathematical biology. Department has a good number of PhD students in different research areas including Mathematical Biology.
Langue officielle de l'Ecole: anglais
Coordinateurs administratifs et scientifiques
Programme scientifique
Cours 1: "Mathematical epidemiology I", Stacey Smith? (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Cours 2: "Mathematical Epidemiology II", María Vela Perez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Espagne)
Cours 3: "Survival Analysis", Valérie Garès (Université de Rennes, France)
Cours 4: "Introduction to Clinically-oriented, Image-based Computational Modeling and Simulation of Cancer Growth", Guillermo Lorenzo Gomez (University of Texas, USA)
Cours 5: "Mathematics of Infectious Diseases", Abba Gumel (Arizona State University, USA)
Cours 6: "Introduction Age Structured Population Models", Xingfu Zou (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Site internet de l'école
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Date limite d'inscription et de candidature : 2 janvier 2022