The courses are introductory to carry research activity in contemporary trends in Hodge Theory and p-adic Hodge Theory given by main actors in each activity: Hodge structures, Hodge-Tate structures, De Rham Cohomology and Betti Cohomology, Torelli type theorems, Abelian Varieties. p-adic numbers, p-adic Galois representations, absolute Galois group of a p-adic field, continuos representations, Fontaine rings and admisible representations, Hodge-Tate representations, étale cohomology as a p-adic Galois representation, Tate module of an elliptic curve, ring of periods, De Rham representations, good reduction and crystalline representations.
Langue officielle de l'Ecole: anglais
Coordinateurs administratifs et scientifiques
Programme scientifique
Cours 1: "Classical Hodge Theory", Jaime HERNANDEZ (CIMAT, Mexique)
Cours 2: "p-adic Geometry", Miriam BOCARDO (University of Guadalajara, Mexique)
Cours 3: "Étale Cohomology", Felipe ZALDIVAR (Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM), Mexique)
Cours 4: "Height Pairings of 1-Motives", Carolina RIVERA-ARREDONDO (University of Milan, Italie)
Cours 5: "Cristalline Representations", Genaro HERNANDEZ-MADA (University of Sonora, Mexique)
Cours 6: "P-adic Galois Representations", Rogelio Pérez-Buendía (CIMAT, Mexique)
Site internet de l'école
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