The notion of a group describes symmetry in mathematics. In recent decades, certain quantum mathematical objects have appeared whose symmetries are better described by group-like objects called tensor categories. Examples of areas of mathematics where tensor categories play a key role include subfactors, quantum groups, Hopf algebras, quantum topology and topological quantum computation. The aim of this is school is to introduce graduate students to tensor category theory and their applications to Topological Quantum Field theory, Subfactor theory and Hopf algebras. We will bring together a wide variety of senior experts, postdocs, and graduate students from mathematics and physics. This mix of people will provide young researchers an opportunity to interact with experts, develop connections, and increase their exposure.
Coordinateurs administratifs et scientifiques
Programme scientifique
Cours 1: "Tensor categories", Victor OSTRIK (University of Oregon, USA)
Cours 2: "Hopf Algebras and Their Generalizations from a Categorical Point of View", Gabriella BÖHM (Wigner Research Centre for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hongrie)
Cours 3: "On finite-dimensional Hopf algebras and their representations", Siu-Hung NG (Louisiana State University, USA)
Cours 4: "The Mathematics of Topological Quantum Computing", Eric ROWELL (Texas A&M University, USA)
Cours 5: "Topological Quantum Field Theory", Noah SNYDER (Indiana University, Bloomington, USA)
Cours 6: "Subfactors, fusion categories, and planar algebras", Scott MORRISON (Australian national University, Australie)
Site internet de l'école
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Date limite d'inscription et de candidature : 3 mars 2019.