Presentation of CIMPA Fellowships

The CIMPA Fellowships programme offers the opportunity for young mathematicians from developing countries to participate in short-term thematic programmes in European institutes of mathematics. For each programme, whose duration may vary from one to three months, the CIMPA and the hosting institute cover the whole cost of participation of several laureates. A Call for Applications is opened for each programme. The present partners of the CIMPA Fellowships programme are the following: 

  • Institut Henri Poincaré (Paris, France): Every year, the Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP) features three focused trimester programs attended by many researchers (professors and students) from France and abroad. Those trimesters provide the ideal environment, through conferences, workshops and courses, to interchange ideas and technics on a specific research area in mathematics or theoretical physics. For each trimester program, the CIMPA and the IHP fund the participation of several laureates. The Calls for Applications are published here



  • Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (Barcelona, Spain): Every year, the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) features Intensive Research Programmes attended by many researchers (professors and students) from Spain and abroad. Those programmes provide the ideal environment, through conferences, workshops and courses, to interchange ideas and technics on a specific research area in mathematics. For several Intensive Research Programs each year, the CIMPA and CRM fund the participation of several laureates. The Calls for Applications are published here



  • Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France): Every February, the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM) and Aix-Marseille University stage a 4 or 5-week Thematic Month devoted to one particular area (Statistics, Cryptography, Dynamical Systems etc.). This thematic session features conferences as well as research schools. For some Thematic Months, the CIMPA and CIRM fund the participation of several laureates.



Applications have to be made through the CIMPA web page The list of all upcoming programmes eligible to CIMPA Fellowships can be found here.