CIMPA-CARMIN Funding for IHP Trimester « Analysis in Quantum Information Theory »

Every year, the Institut Henri Poincaré features three focused trimester programs attended by many researchers (professors and students) from France and abroad. Those trimesters provide the ideal environment, through conferences, workshops and courses, to interchange ideas and technics on a specific research area in mathematics or theoretical physics.

Passing away of Ahmad El Soufi

It is with great sadness that we learnt of the passing away of Ahmad El Soufi, on 29th December, at Tours in France. Professor at the Univesity François-Rabelais at Tours, Ahmad El Soufi was a major actor of CIMPA for many years, especially through his activities in Africa and the Middle East. All those who had the pleasure of knowing him will treasure the memory of a very cultivated man, full of humanity, of tremendous kindness and of a contagious joie de vivre.

Meeting of young African researchers in France at IHP on December 1-2, 2016

L’APSA (Association pour la promotion scientifique de l’Afrique) organise les 1-2 décembre à l’Institut Henri Poincaré une rencontre de deux jours dédiée aux jeunes scientifiques originaires de pays d’Afrique subsaharienne venus effectuer en France tout ou partie de leurs études supérieures en sciences mathématiques ou physique fondamentale et appliquée. Cette rencontre est en priorité destinée aux doctorants, qu’ils soient accueillis dans le cadre d’une thèse en cotutelle ou dans le cadre d’un doctorat français.