CIMPA-CARMIN Funding for the IHP Trimester "Analytics, Inference, and Computation in Cosmology" (september-december 2018)

Every year, the Institut Henri Poincaré features three focused trimester programs attended by many researchers (professors and students) from France and abroad. Those trimesters provide the ideal environment, through conferences, workshops and courses, to interchange ideas and technics on a specific research area in mathematics or theoretical physics.

From September 3rd to december 14th 2018, will be held the IHP trimester « Analytics, Inference, and Computation in Cosmology »

IHP Trimester « Analysis in Quantum Information Theory »

The three new laureates of the CIMPA-CARMIN program have arrived in France to participate in the IHP Trimester "Analysis in Quantum Information Theory" from September 4th to December 15th, 2017. Before going to IHP in Paris, Alihuén Garcia Pavioni from Argentina, Alexis Legon from Venezuela and Abdallah Slaoui from Morocco, are spending one week in Cargèse (Corsica) to attend the kick-off School. We wish them a wonderful IHP Trimester.