Take part in the CIMPA-ICTP online course "Tate-Hochschild Homology and Cohomology of Modules and Cluster Algebras" by Umamaheswaran Arunachalam


Join Umamaheswaran Arunachalam's online course "Tate-Hochschild Homology and Cohomology of Modules and Cluster Algebras" from November 4 to 7, 2024.

Umamaheswaran Arunachalam is an assistant professor at SASTRA Deemed University, India.

The course will be given in English on zoom.

This is a recurrent meeting, so please register only once for all 4 sessions:

Take part in the CIMPA-ICTP online course "Geometric Identities and their Applications on Rigidity Problems" by Allan Freitas


Join Allan Freitas's online course "Geometric Identities and their Applications on Rigidity Problems" from November 4 to 7, 2024.

Allan Freitas is professor at Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil.

The course will be given in English on zoom.

This is a recurrent meeting, so please register only once for all 4 sessions:
