
Mathematical Models in Biology and Related Applications of Partial Differential Equations


Mathematical modelling in biology and related domains is becoming of increasing importance in the mathematical community as well as for biologists, physicians, engineers in environmental science from the point of view of possible applications.
The recent progress in the development and the analysis of these mathematical models have to be shared with Cuba and other countries of the Caribbean area.
The school aims at presenting some of the current approaches in PDE modelling and mathematical analysis of biological phenomena or related domains. It aims at allowing the researchers and the students of Master’s degree level and talented undergraduate students to acquire a basic training in that field and to have an overview of what is the current research status of these types of problems.
This school will cover a wide class of models and applications including dynamics of intracellular and extracellular phenomena, neuronal networks, pattern formation, chemotaxis, and their implications in developmental biology, epidemiology and neurosciences. The main mathematical methods will concern the study of evolutionary partial differential equations, such as their large time behaviour, their links with microscopic or stochastic models, as well as numerical methods to approximate their solutions.
The school will be a very interesting thematic opening for the young researchers, and it will improve their mathematical skills and methods by training on current problems of mathematical importance. It will also be a tool of exchange between world-wide researchers in applied mathematics and Cuban and Caribbean researchers in theoretical biology and medicine.


Scientific program is available on the local website of the school:

Official language of the school: english

Effective Algebra and the LMFDB


The main focus of the school will be the mathematics around the L-functions and modular forms database (LMFDB). It will introduce the students to the main ideas and philosophies around modularity theorems, which connect algebraic curves and abelian varieties on one side with modular forms and L-functions on the other. Theoretically, such ideas are part of the Langlands program; the LMFDB can be seen as a way to make this program accessible and concrete by means of a huge treasure trove of examples.

The goal of the school is for the students to learn the concepts behind modularity conjectures, to be able to relate this theoretical knowledge with examples such as those furnished by the LMFDB, and finally to obtain deeper knowledge on one of the themes of a number of research groups that will be devoted to supervised research on a more specialized mathematical topic in the area.


Scientific program is available on the local website of the school:

Official language of the school: english

On Modern Mathematical Tools in Mechanics


From September 08-19, 2025, the University of Douala of Cameroon (through the Faculty of Science) and the Technical University of Braunschweig of Germany (through the Computational Sciences in Engineering study program and the Center for Mechanics Uncertainty and Simulation in Engineering) will co-organize (with the contribution of Advanced Sciences and Technology Academy, a private Institution in Douala) a CIMPA Summer School at the University of Douala on the topic «On Modern Mathematical Tools in Mechanics ».

Seven Lecturers (04 from Germany, 02 from Cameroon and 01 from Senegal) will train young Africans (Master’s and Ph.D.’s students and lecturers) on useful Mathematical Science tools (Python and Data Science for Engineers, Research Software Engineering, Mathematical modelling with ODE and PDE, Numerical Analysis on ODE and PDE, Costal Zone Modelling) to address questions in mechanics (and in a wide range of fields) tailored to their environment.

The school will contribute to develop mathematical modeling in Engineering.in.Africa by Africans with the support of the German expertise for a future Africa-Germany research network in the field.


Scientific program is available on the local website of the school:

Official language of the school: english

Probability and Applied Analysis


The Probability and Applied Analysis Summer School Türkiye will take place from June 29 to July 12, 2025 at Feza Gürsey Center for Physics and Mathematics, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul. This school comprises 6 taught courses, accompanying exercise classes, one colloquium, a round table discussion on representation in academia, a Q&A session on graduate school and additional networking/cultural activities.


The courses, instructors, abstracts and more details can be found in the website: https://sites.google.com/view/probability-appliedanalysis/home

Official language of the school: english

Bridgeland Stability and Applications


The CIMPA school "Bridgeland Stability and Applications" will be held at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina from July 28 to August 8, 2025

The primary focus of this school is the theory of "Bridgeland stability conditions", which is one of the most fruitful and active research areas in moduli theory nowadays. The school's objectives are twofold: firstly, to provide participants (a public mainly composed by PhD students, but also interested Master students and Post-docs) with the basic knowledge required to understand and work with this subject, and secondly, to illustrate its applications to other topics in algebraic geometry (with connections to Mathematical Physics and Differential Geometry).

In order to meet these objectives, the school is divided as follows: during the first week, the students will be provided with the necessary background including the classical theory of Moduli Spaces, Derived Categories, Geometric Invariant Theory and Quivers; during the second week, together with the general theory of Bridgeland Stability Conditions the students will learn about applications to Instantons, Invariants in Algebraic Geometry and HyperKähler Varieties.


Scientific program is available on the local website of the school:

Official language of the school: english

Data Driven epidemiological Models: Current Trends and new Threats


Epidemics have invaded populations throughout history threatening the existence of humankind. Todays world continues to be confronted by endemic, emerging, and reemerging infectious disease outbreaks. These threats differ widely in terms of severity and extent, with varying consequences on morbidity and mortality, as well as for a complex set of social and economic effects. Recent outbreaks of an array of infectious diseases such as Ebola, Zika, Dengue, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (as SARS and COVID-19), and pandemic Influenza H1N1, have raised the global concern in public health. Moreover, they showed that a key factor for disease control is human behaviour.
Together with rising population growth rates in areas where health infrastructure is weak, the issue concern is also magnified by climate change that is driving epidemics, civil conflict in poor communities, and pathogen adaptation to control measures. These concerns calls for concerted efforts to mitigate the impact of the epidemic on the masses.

To understand the dynamics of infectious disease transmission, mathematical models are used as a tool to study the mechanisms by which diseases spread, to predict the future course of an outbreak and to evaluate strategies to control an epidemic. In particular, data-driven methodologies are crucial for pandemic modelling and control.

Our aim is to bring together several different disciplines required to provide a holistic approach to epidemic analysis, such as mathematics, data science and artificial intelligence, epidemiology, and climate change science experts, to assess infectious disease spread and associated social/economic risks.

The school aims at analysing the role of data-driven methodologies for pandemic modelling and control.

The impact for the early carrier researchers that will participate to this summer school will be:
• Exposure to the state-of-the-art interplaying scientific topics:
• Exposure to world first class scholars that will deliver the lectures;
• Potential increase of employability beyond academia: public health institutes, health ministry and non-governmental organisations.

Courses will include:
• Course on Visualisation, exploration, and statistical analysis of epidemiological data will be given.
• A review of the available methodologies in Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems and their interaction.
• Discussion of challenges faced in the development of data-driven strategies to mitigate combat the spreading of infectious diseases.
• Development and analysis of data-driven models to:
(i) monitor the epidemic evolution;
(ii) assess the effectiveness of applied control measures;
(iii) model and predict the spread of the epidemic;
(iv) make timely decisions to manage, prevent and control the spread of infectious diseases;
(v) discuss their application to past or present epidemics, such as COVID-19, as well as their
potential application to future epidemics.

Areas of focus
• Mathematical models – deterministic, stochastic, In-host, meta-population, and behavioural models for disease threats and outbreaks;
• Formulating data driven models – AI, ML, study, analysis, surveillance, prediction and intervention, parameter estimation and fitting;
• Climate change, the new threats to epidemics spread and control–rising temperatures, unpredictable rainfall, human/pathogen behaviour, resistance, evolution, adaptation and survival, mutation and variants.


Scientific program is available on the local website of the school:

Official language of the school: english

Applied Number Theory


The aim of this school is to introduce students to some aspect of (algorithmic) number theory and arithmetic geometry and the very fruitful interplay between those subjects and the applied disciplines of cryptography and coding theory. Our program consists of four courses on algorithmic number theory, elliptic curves, algebraic coding theory and isogeny based cryptography, respectively. These courses will introduce the students to a variety of tools in number theory and arithmetic geometry as well as their applications in cryptography and coding theory. Topics will include class groups of number fields and Buchmann's subexponential algorithm for computing them, the Mordell-Weil theorem for elliptic curves over number fields, Reed-Muller code and Goppa code, algorithms to compute and evaluate isogenies of elliptic curves. Every course will combine theoretical and practical aspects: exercises and programming sessions will be held in all four courses, putting students' proactive learning at the center of this project.
Scientific program is available on the local website of the School: http://www.rnta.eu/HCMC2024/

Official language of the school: English

V Latin American School of Algebraic Geometry (V ELGA)


The goal of this CIMPA School is to train young mathematicians working in Latin America in some of the most active areas of research in Algebraic Geometry, as well as to promote greater interaction among researchers and students, and to build a network of collaborations. The previous editions of the ELGA were:

I ELGA – Buenos Aires and Cordoba, Argentina (2011)
II ELGA – Cabo Frio, Brazil (2015)
III ELGA – Guanajuato, Mexico (2017)
IV ELGA – Talca, Chile (2019)

Scientific program is available on the local website of the School: https://impa.br/en_US/v-latin-american-school-of-algebraic-geometry-and…

Official language of the school: English

Lattices, heights and diophantine approximation


The school aims at introducing the students to a few lines of research in number theory revolving around the concepts of lattices, heights and diophantine approximation. Part of the school is devoted to presenting the recent proof by Maryna Viazovska that the densest sphere packing in dimension 8 is the one given by the E_8 lattice. In 2022 she was awarded the Fields medal. To this end we introduce the students to lattices, sphere packings and modular forms. We will prove the Cohn-Elkies bound and finally we will study Viazovska's construction of the function which optimizes such bound and proves that the E_8 lattice is the densest packing in dimension 8. In the other part of the program we will introduce the machinery of heights, which are standard tools of Diophantine geometry used to measure arithmetic complexity of objects. We will then demonstrate the use of height functions in Diophantine approximation and Diophantine geometry discussing results and conjectures such as the Mordell-Weil theorem, Faltings' theorem, Siegel's lemma, Cassels' theorem, Lehmer's conjecture, and many others. On the Diophantine approximation side, we will discuss the central themes of equidistribution and approximation of reals by algebraic numbers. We expect the participants to gain familiarity with these central and vibrant areas of mathematics that have been at the forefront of mathematical research for over a hundred years. Our program is specifically designed in a way that assumes a rather modest background, but with a concentrated and focused approach takes the audience to some of the modern-day research directions.
Scientific program is available on the local website of the School: http://www.rnta.eu/Urgench2024/

Official language of the school: English

Analysis and Numerics of Partial Differential Equations


The aim of the school is to introduce participants to several numerical techniques and analysis in Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). The topics to be treated will vary from standard contemporary schemes to recent advances in the numerical treatment of PDEs and numerical linear algebra techniques. Some of the other topics to be presented during the school are: model order reductions, pde constrained optimal control and inverse problems.
Scientific program is available on the local website of the School: https://sites.google.com/ucc.edu.gh/cimpa-numpde

Official language of the school: English