The purpose of the school is to present a self-contained proof of a famous theorem of Serre in 1972. This theorem tells us that the representation associated to the Galois action on the p-torsion points of an elliptic curve is surjective for p great enough. This theorem had a very great impact in the field of arithmetic geometry and opened the field to numerous problems that are, for some, still open today. After introducing the students to the topics needed to understand the proof, illustrating the theory through exercises and sessions on computer, we will present the proof itself.
Scientific program is available on the local website of the school:
Official language of the school: english
Administrative and scientific coordinators
Website of the school
How to participate
For registration and application to a CIMPA financial support, follow the instructions given here https://www.cimpa.info/en/node/40
Deadline for registration and application: October 6, 2024