Quantum computers threaten to break most of the cryptography we currently use to protect our information security systems. In a quantum computer, performing operations comes from a quan- tum physical notion that works differently from a classical computer setting, and it gives an expo- nential speed-up for certain computations. To construct quantum-resistant cryptographic systems, we need a new class of hard mathematical problems. Many of them are currently competing in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Post Quantum Cryptography Standardizati- on. These proposed schemes can be split into: code-based, hash functions-based, multivariate, lattice-based and isogeny-based ones.
In this school we will introduce quantum computing as well as the mathematical theories behind those hard problems. The course will be accompanied by exercises and computer sessions.
Official language of the school: English
Administrative and scientific coordinators
Scientific program
Course 1: "Lattice-Based Post-Quantum Cryptography", Alice Pellet-Mary (Université de Bordeaux, France) & Rajeev Anand Sahu (University of Luxembourg)
Course 2: "Code-Based Post-Quantum Cryptography", Jean-Christophe Deneuville (École National Aviation Civile, France) & Chithralekha Balamurugan (Pondicherry University, India)
Course 3: "Isogeny-Based Post-Quantum Cryptography", Elisa Lorenzo García (Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland) & Gaurav Sharma (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
Course 4: "Hash Functions Based Post-Quantum Cryptography", Chithralekha Balamurugan (Pondicherry University, India) & Peter Schwabe (Max-Planck Institute for Security and Privacy, Germany)
Course 5: "Multivariate Post-Quantum Cryptography", Dhananjo Dey (Indian Institute of Information Technology, Lucknow, India) & Kalpana Singh (IRT SystemX, France)
Website of the school
How to participate
For registration and application to a CIMPA financial support, follow the instructions given here.
Deadline for registration and application: September 16, 2023