SuSAAN Summer School of Applied Arithmetic at Nesin






The summer school aims to gather young researchers and to give a motivating goal along which the participants will be able to aggregate new knowledge. The research topics include function field arithmetic, algebraic curves over finite fields, complex multiplication, boolean functions, finite geometry, and combinatorics. The school will be mostly structured into working sessions in small groups under the direction of at least one lecturer. Before the beginning of the school, the lecturers will propose open problems together with pre-request material (books/papers). During the application, the participants notify their preferential interest and working groups will be formed 8 groups under the above-mentioned research working areas. Via mini-lectures the mathematical materials and the use of computer algebra software will be introduced to the participants. At the end of the school, the participants are supposed to write a report that will be posted on an open platform.

Official language of the school: English

Administrative and scientific coordinators

Nurdagül Anbar (Sabanci University,
, )
Alain Couvreur (Inria,
, )

Scientific program

Course 1: "Computer Aided Maths Using Pari GP", Aurel Page (India, France)

Website of the school

How to participate

For registration and application to a CIMPA financial support, follow the instructions given here

Deadline for registration and application: February 28, 2022.