This school aims to introduce young researchers and students to actual research problems in the field of tilings, packings and optimization. In particular, we shall focus on possible original interactions between these thematics, as well as connections with more classic fields as number theory, transportation modeling or word combinatorics. There shall be six long courses, which consist of lectures as well as training sessions (at least half of the time – since it is the best way to see what participants with very different backgrounds really understand). We also plane an « open problem » session, the goal of which is to propose possible new research axes to the participants. An excursion is planned the first day in order to facilitate contact among participants and lecturers for the rest of the week (the goal of sport activities is similar).
Official language of the school: English
Administrative and scientific coordinators
Scientific program
Course 1: "Number Systems and Tilings", Shigeki AKIYAMA (Institute of Mathematics, University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Course 2: "Optimization and Aperiodicity", Thomas FERNIQUE (CNRS & Univ. Paris 13, France)
Course 3: "Variational Inequalities, Complementary Problems, Equilibrium", Masao FUKUSHIMA (Nanzan University, Japan)
Course 4: " Extremal Repetitions and No-repetitions in Words", Damien JAMET (Univ. de Lorraine, France)
Course 5: "Nonlinear Optimization", Evgeni NURMINSKI (Far Eastern Federal University, Russia)
Course 6: "Linear Optimization", Natalia SHAMRAY (Far Eastern Federal University, Russia)
Course 7: "Some Current Challenges in Packing Theory", Chuanming ZONG (Tsing Hua University, China)
Website of the school
How to participate
For registration and application to a CIMPA financial support, follow the instructions given here.
Deadline for registration and application: July 1st, 2021