The concept of a group is central to essentially all of modern mathematics. In number theory and geometry where groups take central stage in various shapes such as symmetry groups, Galois groups, fundamental groups, reflection groups and permutation groups, the conceptual unification that it provides is most strikingly illustrated. In this school, we present groups and the natural objects they act on in a variety of arithmetic and geometric contexts. Special emphasis will be given to concrete examples, and practical and computational aspects of groups and their actions will be stressed. The topics to be treated include finite fields, coding theory covering spaces, representation theory, modular forms and Galois theory. All courses will be introductory courses.
Each course will consist of 6 lecture hours and 3 hours of training session devoted to solving exercises and to compttter assisted computations.
Official language of the school: English
Administrative and scientific coordinators
Scientific program
Course 1: "Groups and symmetries in geometry ", Bas EDIXHOVEN (Universiteit Leiden, Nederlands) & Intan MUCHTADI-ALAMSYAH (Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia)
Course 2: "Representation theory of finite groups", Laura GEATTI & René SCHOOF (Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy)
Course 3: "Finite fields and number theory", Michel WALDSCHMIDT (Sorbonne Université, France) & Francesco PAPPALARDI (Università Roma Tre, Italy)
Course 4: "Galois theory and profinite groups", Peter STEVENHAGEN (Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands) & Valerio TALAMANCA (Università Roma Tre, Italy)
Course 5: "Modular forms", Marusia REBOLLEDO (Université Clermont Auvergne, France) & Indah WIJAYANTI (Gajdah Mada, Indonesia)
Course 6: "Coding theory", Ruud PELLIKAAN (Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands) & Kiki ARIYANTI SUGENG (Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia)
Website of the school
How to participate
For registration and application to a CIMPA financial support, follow the instructions given here.
Deadline for registration and application: October 27, 2019.