Fourth Latin American School on Algebraic Geometry and its Applications






The Escuela Latinoamericana de Geometría Algebraica (ELGA) series of schools quickly became a major event for algebraic geometry in Latin America working as meeting point for the whole community due in part to the novelty of having some of the best researchers in our eld lecturing in Latin Americaf

The goal of this Fourth Edition is again to bring experts in algebraic geometry and present diferent topics of current research to advance graduate students, postdocs and young researchers from Latin America and other parts of the worldf There will be ve main courses and several survey lectures in english on a wide range of themes in algebraic geometry and its applications, completed by a series of research talks given by young researchersf

The main courses will be given by : Jean-Pierre Demailly, Igor Dolgachev, Angela Ortega, Vincent Pilloni and Claire Voisinf 

Administrative and scientific coordinators

Alvaro LIENDO (Universidad de Talca,
, )
Adrien DUBOULOZ (CNRS – Université de Bourgogne ,
, )

Scientific program

Course 1: "Hyperbolicity properties of algebraic varieties", Jean-Pierre DEMAILLY (Université Grenoble Alpes, France)

Course 2: "Automorphisms of algebraic varieties", Igor DOLGACHEV (University of Michigan, USA)

Course 3: "Prym varieties and Prym maps", Angela ORTEGA (Humboldt Universität, Germany)

Course 4: "Algebraic curves and automorphic forms", Vincent PILLONI (CNRS and Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon, France)

Course 5: "Stable birational invariants and the stable Lüroth problem", Claire VOISIN (Collège de France, France)

Website of the school

How to participate

For registration and application to a CIMPA financial support, follow the instructions given here

Deadline for registration and application:  September 1st, 2019.