Administrative and scientific coordinators
Scientific program
Course 1: "Basic concepts in Biological Oceanography: qualitative and quantitative ecosystem indicators", Omar Ettahiri (INRH, Morocco)
Course 2: "Biomass harvesting theory with application to bioeconomic principles. Beverton-and-Holt yield-per-recruit theory. Age structured harvesting models with extensions to include nonlinear recruitment. Application of Monte-Carlo simulation methods to stochastic analysis of models", Wayne M. Getz (University of California at Berkeley,USA)
Course 3: "Use of Partial Differential Equations in the modeling and the analysis of fisheries systems", Hassan Hbid & Mohamed Khaldi (Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco)
Course 4: "Methods of aggregation of variables in dynamical systems and applications to population dynamics", Pierre Auger (IRD, UR "GEODES", Bondy, France)
Course 5: "Ecosystemic approach in fisheries", Christian Mullon (IRD, UR "GEODES", Bondy, France)
Course 6: "Individual and Agent based models in fisheries", Jean-Pierre Treuil (IRD, UR "GEODES", Bondy, France)
Course 7: "Introduction of basic notions of Games Theory with applications to the management of aquatic resources", Odile Pourtallier (INRIA-Sophia Antipolis, France)
Course 8: "Notions of Control Theory with applications to the estimation and to the regulation of fish stocks", Abderrahman Iggidr (INRIA-Lorraine, France) & Jean-Luc Gouzé (INRIA-Sophia Antipolis, France) & Suzanne Touzeau (INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, France)
Course 9: "Spatialized fisheries models. The ISIS-Fish example", Hilaire Drouineau (IFREMER, département EMH, Nantes, France)