NEW DATES - Optimal Control and its Applications in Economics, Engineering and the Environment (Hybrid format)






The goal of this CIMPA research school is twofold. First of all, the school offers a rigorous introduction to the theoretical bases of optimization and optimal control.
Secondly, the school aims to introduce participants to the applications of these techniques in the fields of economics, engineering and the environment. The school provides an opportunity for participants to acquire the theoretical, numerical and practical skills necessary to model through optimal control techniques, to solve and interpret the results obtained by dealing with problems arising from the three areas mentioned above.

Official language of the school: French (the majority of the courses will be given in French. Some courses will nevertheless be given in English)

Administrative and scientific coordinators

Imad EL HARRAKI (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Rabat,
, )
Francesca CHITTARO (Université de Toulon,
, )

Scientific program

Course 1: "Programmation non linéaire", Imad EL HARRAKI (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Rabat, Morocco)

Course 2: "Equations différentielles stochastiques", Franscisco SILVA ALVAREZ (Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université de Limoges, France)

Course 3: "Contrôle optimal 1", Francesca CHITTARO (Université de Toulon, France)

Course 4: "Contrôle optimale stochastique", Hasna ZIDANI (ENSAT parisTech, France)

Course 5: "Théorie des jeux, contrôle optimal et applications", Rachid EL-AZOUZI (Université d’Avignon, France)

Course 6: "Les méthodes numériques adaptatives et parallèles pour la résolution des problèmes de la dynamique des fluides", Youssef MESRI (Mines ParisTech, France)

Course 7: "Application du contrôle dans le cas des modèles de croissance économique", Anton BANDAREV (Université de Bâle, Switzerland)

Course 8: "Application du contrôle dans l’environnement", Mounir JERRY (Université Ibn Toufail, Morocco)

Website of the school

How to participate

For registration and application to a CIMPA financial support, follow the instructions given here

Deadline for registration and application: April 25, 2021